21 Kingfisher Court, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 5SJ
01635243212 / 07584678409

About Us

Taking the Strain out of Accounting

Continuous learning and development is a key ethos of Costclever Ltd.

Enthusiastic, professional and discreet team members are ready to do their best to meet your requests and expectations.

  • We speak your languages – no fancy words, clueless numbers or terrifying forms anymore. We are professional with few senses of humour who are not only keen to meet deadlines but also know how to fight for your rights.
  • We understand how important to focus on what you are good at – we take care of your paperwork, follow up outstanding invoices so you will be 100% on running the business.
  • We stand by your side – we are here to help rather than teach you how to become a tech expert in our cloud system. So, your life is still under your control and everything could be much easier with our assistance.
  • We offer flexible payment options – pay monthly subscriptions or one-off payment whatever suits you.
  • We investigate and analyse business and provide you with an overview with customised details, so you will be able to deal with challenges in your trades.
  • We have a connection with other professionals, including lawyers, insurance and pension brokers, financial advisors, security, and property developers etc., all you need to do is simply ask us!

Also, our cloud-based system is a 24/7 service.